topic 748428

METEOR accounts

How do I set up an account on METEOR?

Having an account in METEOR is free and provides access to useful features like 'My Page' and the ability to add bookmarks to metadata elements. Click the Sign In button on the METEOR home page, then select Sign up now and follow the steps. Although this will set up your account, you can’t instantly develop metadata – if you are a first time user you will need training first, and to be added to a workgroup.

Note that if you have an account in legacy METeOR, it will no longer work in new METEOR. You need to set up a new account in the updated system.

What is my username?

Your username is the email address you signed up with.

What are the requirements for the password?

The password must be between 8 and 64 characters and have at least 3 of the following:

  • a lower case letter
  • an uppercase letter
  • a digit
  • a symbol.

How do I reset my password?

Click the Sign in button, then Forgot my password and follow the steps. A verification code will be sent to your email address.

How do I sign out of METEOR?

Select 'Sign out' on the drop-down menu under your name in the top menu bar. Closing your web browser does not sign you out of METEOR. If you don't log out yourself, you will be logged out of the system automatically after 8 hours.

Can I change my username?

Your username name is your email address. It can’t be changed, as it is attached to your developer account and any metadata items you’ve worked on.

If you have changed workplaces and have a new email, you will need to start a fresh METEOR account.

How do I close my METEOR account?

We don’t have account deletion because it removes the author audit trail from any metadata items you’ve worked on. Instead, your account can be de-activated. Contact us for help.

I’ve created an account, now how do I access the metadata I need to edit?

You will need to be added to a workgroup to edit metadata. All new developers require training from AIHW before being added to a workgroup. Please contact us on [email protected] to arrange your training. Once completed, the workgroup administrator can give you access, or we can help if you let us know which workgroup you need to access.

How do I access METEOR training?

To request METEOR training, contact us on [email protected] with the subject line METEOR Training, and let us know the details of your request. You can get training in both how to use METEOR, and in how to develop metadata in the system.

Metadata standards, viewing and development issues

What standard is METEOR based on?

METEOR is based on the international information modelling standard ISO/IEC 11179 

I’m trying to look at a data item, but I’m getting a message that says I don’t have permission to view it.

Your first stop is to speak with your workgroup administrator, who should be able to give you the permission you need. If they can’t help, please contact us [email protected].

I want to create metadata, but don’t know where to start.

Our Develop metadata section has a lot of information on how to go about developing metadata standards.

I would like to have a link to a resource added to the AIHW website.

Please contact the specific AIHW area related to your resource, using the AIHW Contact Us form – select the area you need under the I need help with something dropdown menu. You can also contact the web and publishing area at AIHW directly on [email protected]

I want to add something to one of the metadata elements or data quality statements (DQS) on METEOR.

Please contact the specific area that manages that metadata element or DQS, using the AIHW Contact Us form – select the area you need under the I need help with something dropdown menu. If it is an external group who manages it, please contact them directly.

I need help with health classifications, ICD-10-AM, or ICD-11.

Please email [email protected] with your question.

I found a broken link or a typo.

Please send the details to [email protected] and we will pass the information on to the relevant area.

The metadata element I found is superseded. What does that mean?

The metadata standards in METEOR are reviewed and updated periodically. This means that an element that was once endorsed and made standard can become outdated, and replaced with a new version. Metadata elements that are used currently are labelled as ‘standard’.

Old versions of elements are labelled as ‘superseded’. They are kept in METEOR to maintain a historical record. These superseded elements still accurately describe the data that was collected when they were standard. We use these superseded relationships in METEOR instead of versioning.

If you look at the bottom of the page of a superseded element you will find links to the updated elements under Relational Attributes. This provides links to the element’s predecessors and to its replacement as the new standard.


What happened to the old METeOR?

This is still METEOR, but the site has had a major overhaul and redesign, and lost its lower-case 'e'. All the data are still here, and their ID numbers have not changed.

Can I use my old METeOR account?

No, you will need to create a new account in METEOR the first time you log in to the new system.

The site isn't working properly for me

If you are having issues with the site, it's worth trying running in a different browser to see if this fixes your problem, before contacting us for help. Internet Explorer is not well supported.

Data questions

I’m trying to find data about a health or welfare issue in Australia, but can’t find it in METEOR.

METEOR contains ‘data about data’ (metadata), not the data itself. Check the other areas of the AIHW website for this sort of information and analysis. You can also look at the AIHW data catalogue for collection details and contact information: Our data collections – Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. You can also contact [email protected] for assistance.

I’m trying to find my or my child’s immunisation record, can you help me?

We do not hold or manage any personal immunisation records. The Australian Immunisation Register  has a form for getting an immunisation history statement. You can also find this information in the Express Plus Medicare app